文法: Grammar a Day - Level 2 [ だけあって (dakeatte) ]

だけあって (dakeatte) - because, as expected (used for positive

--- Notes ---
This phrase needs a cause and effect.
'cause effect'
'He studied hard passed the test'

You cannot use just the result
NG: 'he passed the test'

Very similiar to but that word can be used on its own a little more
casually, as in
'sasuga Rob-san' = isn't Rob great, after all.

Works also for negative nuance, as in the 'and got fat' example below.

だけあって is used for good merits. It should not be used for negative
nuances. However, だけに can be used for both good and bad merits.

Often, さすが(に) is used in conjunction with だけあって as

--- Examples ---
Impressive as expected from training every day - amazing strength.

That restaurant has a good reputation, and as expected the food and service
was great.

He didn't do any exercise and as expected got fat

Like the great scholar that he was, he answered the question easily.

As may be expected of an expert, he's well versed in the field.

Bodybuilding is his hobby so he has a very firm tight body with lots of
(muscle) definition.

Woody Allenが作った映画だけあって、面白かった。
As I'd expect from a Woody Allen film, that was really interesting.

As expected of a woman who went to art school, she draws well.

As you'd expect of a teacher with lots of experience, his classes are easy
to understand and interesting.

--- Comments ---
だけあって can be replaced by だけに (contributor: Miki)

Can だけに be used for negative nuances as well? (contributor: Amatuka)

えっ、you think だけあって is used for negative nuance? They don't
have negative nuances. (contributor: Miki)

When you use the examples in a cynical way, the same sentence but different
intonations, they can have negative nuances. だけに is the same as well.
(contributor: Miki)

> えっ、you think だけあって is used for negative
> nuance? They don't have negative nuances.
No. That's why I asked about 'だけに'. To see if it was different from
'だけあって'. (contributor: Amatuka)

I think our (english speaking) question is whether you can only use this
phrase when you expect good things.
For example:
he fooled around too much, and as expected failed the test (contributor:

For 'sasuga' it definitely seems to have a very positive glowing nuance.
People use sasuga just on its own to compliment you. But is dakeatte
different? (contributor: dc)

Kuroshio Publication's 日本語文型辞典's entry on だけに has
3) かれらは若いだけに徹夜をしても平気なようだ。
which, to me at least, feels negative. Please inform me if otherwise.
(contributor: Koriyama)

I would translate that as
they are young, so as expected even after pulling an all nighter they look
which doesn't have a negative impression: fine as expected. (contributor:

A negative would be like 'as expected, he drank too much' (contributor: dc)

Which is more like やっぱり.
A cynical/sarcastic one might be, 'as expected, he managed to finish the
race' - where he was saying he would win. (contributor: dc)

Check the last example, regarding getting fat. (contributor: dc)

In the last example, instead of だけに I would use せいで.

(contributor: bamboo4)

Linked to 'seida.' (contributor: bamboo4)

What I am saying is that the last example is not a good one. (contributor:

I think the last example is fine.
When you use せいで、nuance would be changed.
ずっと運動していないせいで、彼は太った。 (contributor:

hmm, so what is the difference in nuance/meaning of these? (contributor:

Even though I cannot prove it to you by specific reference (I'm looking for
it), It is my gut feeling that だけに calls for a positive result. Thus,
'non-exercise - obesity' is not in my mind a positive result. I may be

(contributor: bamboo4)

おっと、typo. I meant
(contributor: Miki)

Make it やっぱり太った and I'll accept the last example.
(contributor: bamboo4)

I found this example in my grammar text, but it doesn't sound so
my appreciation of Japanese sarcasm lacking?
(contributor: Leslie)

Leslieさん、you are right, nothing to do with the lack of
appreciation of sarcasm. だけにto be precise, meansIt doesn't necesarily
to be positive.
〜だけに :

Therefore, I agree with bambooさん, that ex#1196
is not quite a good example, coz it is naturally expected that ' one grows
fat because of not exercising' (contributor: 誠)

だけのことはある(put at the end of sentence.) (contributor: 誠)

#1196 is fine. (contributor: 誠)

Leslieさん, could you please translate your sentence and nuance as you
interpreted it? Thanks (contributor: xabre24)

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